Debunking 9 Myths and Misconceptions About Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts, is a commonly seen problem in men. Excessive breasts not only affect a man’s self-confidence but can also lead to pain and physical discomfort. Although it is not a severe medical concern, gynecomastia in Delhi can have a significant impact on a man’s overall quality of life. Fortunately, gynecomastia orContinue reading “Debunking 9 Myths and Misconceptions About Gynecomastia”

Do’s And Don’ts – Before And After Gynecomastia Surgery

Do you feel embarrassed of your female-like breasts? You can consider opting for gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia is a condition that results in the enlargement of male breast tissues. The procedure involves removing excessive fat and glandular tissues to achieve a firmer and flatter chest. The surgical removal of excessive glandular breast tissues with an incisionContinue reading “Do’s And Don’ts – Before And After Gynecomastia Surgery”

8 Amazing Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

According to statistics, more than 70% of men experience the problem of gynecomastia due to fluctuations of hormones in puberty. At Aestiva Clinic, Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi, understands that every man should feel confident about his body. Fortunately, there is a way that can help men achieve a toned, flatter,Continue reading “8 Amazing Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery”

8 Facts About Gynecomastia You Should Know

Gynecomastia in Delhi, or any other state, is a medical disorder that causes males to have enlarged breast tissue. It occurs due to an imbalance of hormones, where there is an increase in the amount of oestrogen (female hormone) or a decrease in the amount of testosterone (male hormone). Gynecomastia may affect one or bothContinue reading “8 Facts About Gynecomastia You Should Know”

What Men Need To Know About Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia is a condition where men develop enlarged breasts due to glandular tissues or enlarged breast tissue. Experiencing this condition can be quite disheartening and can lead to low self-esteem with time. Gynecomastia affects 50-60% of men and is caused by excessive production of estrogen by the body. This condition can also involve physical discomfortContinue reading “What Men Need To Know About Gynecomastia Surgery”

How to Prepare for Gynecomastia Surgery: A Step-by-Step Guide

Gynecomastia is a condition that tends to affect men and causes the breasts to swell. While this is common for men who are above 50, gynecomastia can occur at any age. The condition is also common in boys going through puberty. For many boys, gynecomastia will disappear after puberty. However, for some, it can continueContinue reading “How to Prepare for Gynecomastia Surgery: A Step-by-Step Guide”

Breast Reduction Surgery for Men? Aestiva Clinic

Gynecomastia is the excessive growth or enlargement of male breasts that can happen at any age. Factors such as weight, heredity, hormonal changes, or certain medications can cause it. Even if it is not a medical problem, this condition can cause severe psychological distress in men. Gynecomastia surgery is a highly effective surgical procedure designedContinue reading “Breast Reduction Surgery for Men? Aestiva Clinic”

10 Things To Know About Male Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery, is a treatment performed for addressing enlarged breasts in men. Gynecomastia is a prevalent clinical condition in men that involves the benign (non-cancerous) growth or proliferation of glandular tissue in the male breast. A scattered lump is often felt behind the areola (the black skin on the breastContinue reading “10 Things To Know About Male Gynecomastia Surgery”

Causes and Treatment for Pubertal Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition where male breast glandular tissue enlarges, causing discomfort or increased sensitivity in the nipples. It primarily results from an imbalance in hormones and can occur in childhood, adolescence, or middle to late life. It is important to distinguish between gynecomastia and the breast enlargement caused by fat accumulation that occurs inContinue reading “Causes and Treatment for Pubertal Gynecomastia”

Preventing Gynecomastia Recurrence: Tips and Strategies

Gynecomastia is a medical term that describes when males acquire larger than normal breast tissue, sometimes known as “man boobs.” If you are a man dealing with this condition, you can have male breast reduction surgery. The primary purpose of this procedure is to remove excess skin and breast tissue that has accumulated. While surgicalContinue reading “Preventing Gynecomastia Recurrence: Tips and Strategies”

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